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I wish there was some roleplay servers on GTA V where you had to lớn get a job to lớn earn money. It would be way more fun than just aload of 5 yearolds going around killing everybody... Its just an idea... It would be seperate to lớn other servers too so you have to make another character for a different server
it would be so good if it was actually released cus normal gta online is so boring now .... Its just the same stuff over & over, if we hard the roleplay atleast it brings a new aspect to lớn gta Where is the problem khổng lồ find a nice crew, which is interested in roleplaying too ?
Do you always need an instructor?
I think Gta offer enough different activities.I guess you are the first, who moans for more on an empty roleplay server.btw dont forget breath in, breath out its a lifesaver ;-P i find normal online boring now as ive been playing online since the day it came out on xbox 360, atleast with roleplay it opens up an extra element to the game lượt thích getting a job & having to do things lượt thích that
I"ve gone back to Modded singleplayer again, multiplayers far to lớn repetitive now.Would love khổng lồ have a private server & run LSPD:FR with mates but nope that"s not allowed.

Bạn đang xem: Gta 5 roleplay việt nam

I"ve gone back to Modded singleplayer again, multiplayers far khổng lồ repetitive now.Would love to have a private server và run LSPD:FR with mates but nope that"s not allowed. Exactly the same as me, im just gone to modding single player.... Online is bad now :/
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Novus Roleplay was founded on the premise that the most important part of roleplay was the players ability khổng lồ create the character scenes th...
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