Bom tấn h&#x
E0;nh động Snakes Eyes: G.I.Joe Origins h&#x
E9; lộ tạo h&#x
EC;nh nh&#x
E2;n vật của "trai đẹp" Henry Golding v&#x
E0; d&#x
E0;n nin-ja cực ngầu

F9;ng tạo h&#x
EC;nh đẹp lộng lẫy của X&#x
E0; Nh&#x
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F9;ng c&#x
E1;c nh&#x
E2;n vật sẽ g&#x
F3;p mặt trong bom tấn h&#x
E0;nh động Snakes Eyes: G.I.Joe Origins đ&#x
E3; được h&#x
E9; lộ.

Bạn đang xem: G i joe: the rise of cobra isn't a bad movie

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FA;p bom tấn “The Flash” ghi điểm. Dẫu vậy, t&#x
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F3; kh&#x
E2;u kỹ xảo đ&#x
E2;y tranh c&#x
E3;i v&#x
EC; qu&#x
E1; nhiều cảnh 18+ The Idol - phim truyền h&#x
EC;nh ăn kh&#x
E1;ch mới của HBO thổi b&#x
F9;ng l&#x
E0;n s&#x
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EA;n mạng x&#x
E3; hội bởi ngập ngụa cảnh 18+. Tuy nhi&#x
EA;n, nếu so s&#x
E1;nh với những “tiền bối” đi trước, phim c&#x
F3; Jennie (Black
Pink) dường như vẫn ở mức độ b&#x
EC;nh thường.

The latest in our series of writers standing up for maligned films is a defence of Channing Tatum’s frenetic franchise starter

The year is 1641. We open in France, where confusingly, everyone is speaking English. A Scottish man has been caught selling weapons to enemies of Louis XIII, và as punishment is forced to wear a red-hot iron mask forever. Cut lớn “the not too distant future”, where the man’s descendant, Christopher Eccleston, is presenting a lecture about newly weaponised flying metal bugs khổng lồ some Nato employees. “Originally developed to isolate and kill cancer cells, at MARS industries we discovered how to lớn program nanomites to vì almost anything. For example … eat metal”. It turns out “nanomites” can also be injected into rocket warheads, and thus the back story và premise of GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra is explained in less than a minute.Bạn sẽ xem: G i joe: the rise of cobra isn't a bad movie

The opening sets the tone for the film that follows – speedy, irony-free B-movie action nonsense, delivered khổng lồ you with the efficiency of a Big Mac on a Friday night & if it requires Christopher Eccleston to vì chưng a Power
Point presentation so we can get on with watching helicopters blow up in slow motion, then dammit Christopher Eccleston will do a Power
On top of which, this particular Big Mac is filled with … Channing Tatum.

Despite his previous acting highlights including the Step Up dance movies & grinding topless in the background of the video clip for Ricky Martin’s She Bangs, when asked about GI Joe in an interview in 2012, Channing Tatum said, “I fucking hate that movie.” Luckily for us, in 2009 Channing Tatum did a three-movie deal with Paramount & was forced khổng lồ accept the GI Joe role khổng lồ avoid being sued.

Despite his dislike of the film, Channing Tatum is still Channing Tatum & both he and his massive arms give it their all – & he has gone lớn the Michael bay School of Turning Around in Slow Motion While Holding a Machine Gun. After turning around slowly, he và his partner Marlon Wayans load some nanomite warheads into a jeep, refer to lớn a group of muscular male soldiers as “ladies” & tell them khổng lồ “mount up”. Strap in, everyone.

What follows is a plot of such madness & a cast of characters so enormous (IMDb lists 144 in total) it’s understandable that it required a Power
Point lớn set it up. The truck is ambushed by Channing Tatum’s ex-girlfriend, Sienna Miller, and after a lengthy fight in which several members of elite army unit GI Joe parachute in lớn save the day, Tatum & Wayans are transported khổng lồ an underground base in the Egyptian desert khổng lồ participate in a training montage soundtracked by the UK band Bus Stop’s dance rap cover of T-Rex’s Get It On. (Fun fact: Bus Stop were fronted by rapper và professional football manager Darren “Daz” Sampson, who went on lớn represent Britain in 2006’s Eurovision tuy nhiên Contest.) Channing Tatum wins a gladiatorial pugil stick fight with GI Joe’s resident masked ninja, Snake Eyes, and to celebrate the boys all take their tops off.

A semi-naked Marlon Wayans attempts lớn charm one of the Joes (they are collectively referred to lớn as “Joes”) confusingly named Scarlett O’Hara, as she jogs on a treadmill while reading a book about quantum physics. (It is not clear why she needs to lớn read a book about quantum physics when her job is beating people up – don’t worry about it.) Tatum puts on something called a Delta 6 accelerator suit and travels to Paris khổng lồ stop Sienna Miller blowing up the Eiffel Tower, before charging around the Champs-Élysées running after tanks, jumping through bus windows và flipping over Renault Méganes. Joseph Gordon Levitt appears to lớn explain cobras lớn everyone using a CGI snake in a glass box (“They are vicious”). Chaos reigns.

Writer/director Stephen Sommers was also in charge of both The Mummy and the 90s B-movie classic Deep Rising, and although in comparison GI Joe contains a more noughties post-Transformers fixation on guns và machinery than those two films, there is a similar air of fun, unapologetic action campness throughout. If you’re happy lớn suspend your disbelief to its very limits & relax into 1 hour và 58 minutes of revolving door cast, plot delivered via flashbacks và laughably hammy dialogue, plus Channing Tatum blowing things up in slow motion – this is the film for you. Và give me that kind of Big Mac silliness over po-faced “serious” blockbuster action, any day of the week.

While fans of the Hasbro toy franchise may revel in a bit of nostalgia, G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra is largely a cartoonish, over-the-top kích hoạt fest propelled by silly writing, inconsistent visual effects, & merely passable performances. Read critic đánh giá






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Armed with the latest in military và spy technology, the team of elite soldiers known as G.I. Joe travel around the globe to lớn wherever their services are needed. In their latest assignment Gen. Hawk (Dennis Quaid), Duke (Channing Tatum) & the rest of the G.I. Joe team take on Destro (Christopher Eccleston), a corrupt arms dealer, & fight the growing threat of the mysterious Cobra organization.

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Rating: PG-13 (Strong Seq. Of kích hoạt Violence|Mayhem Throughout)

Genre: Action, Adventure

Original Language: English

Release Date (Theaters): Aug 7, 2009 wide

Release Date (Streaming): Nov 3, 2009

Box Office (Gross USA): $150.2M

Runtime: 1h 58m

Distributor: Paramount Pictures

Production Co: Di Bonaventura Pictures

Sound Mix: SDDS, Dolby Digital, DTS

Aspect Ratio: Scope (2.35:1)

Cast & Crew

Channing Tatum


Dennis Quaid


Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje

Heavy Duty

Christopher Eccleston


Sienna Miller

The Baroness

Joseph Gordon-Levitt


Rachel Nichols


Ray Park

Snake Eyes

Said Taghmaoui


Marlon Wayans


Lee Byung-hun

Storm Shadow

Stephen Sommers


Stuart Beattie


David Elliot


Paul Lovett


Stephen Sommers

Executive Producer

David Womark

Executive Producer

Gary Barber

Executive Producer

Roger Birnbaum

Executive Producer

Erik Howsam

Executive Producer

Lorenzo di Bonaventura


Brian Goldner


Bob Ducsay


Alan Silvestri

Original Music

Ellen Mirojnick

Costume thiết kế

Bob Ducsay

Film Editing

Jim May

Film Editing

Ed Verreaux

Production kiến thiết

Mitchell Amundsen


Show all Cast & Crew

News & Interviews for G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

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RT on DVD: G.I. Joe, Rocky, and Christmas Classics

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Critic review for G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

All Critics (169) | top Critics (47) | Fresh (55) | Rotten (114) Full Review… Cliff Doerksen Chicago Reader Full Review… Michael Phillips Chicago Tribune Full Review… Nick Schager Lessons of Darkness Full Review… Chuck Wilson Village Voice Full Review… Christopher Orr The New Republic Full Review… Rene Rodriguez Miami Herald Full Review… Allison Rose Flick
Direct Full Review… Owen Nicholls NME Full Review… Mike Massie Gone With The Twins Full Review… Richard Propes The
Independent Full Review… Leigh Paatsch Herald Sun (Australia) Full Review… Nikki Baughan Roll Credits View All Critic reviews (169)

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